miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

What time is it?

Vamos a recordar las horas:

Clock Talk in English in an easily understood visual for ...


Son las 3'00h.............................................................
Son las 3'15h.............................................................
Son las 5'20h.............................................................
Son las 7'30h.............................................................
Son las 4'50h............................................................

4 comentarios:

  1. It's three o'clock
    It's quarter past three
    It's twenty past five
    It's half past seven
    It's ten to five

  2. Isabel Arenas

    What tame it is?
    Son las 3'00h It Is three o' clock .
    Son las 3' 15 It's quarter pastor three.
    Son las 5'20 h It's twenty past five .
    Son las 7' 30 h it's half past seven.
    Son las cuatro cincuenta h It's ten to five.

  3. It`s three o`clock
    It`s quarter past three
    It`s twenty past five
    It`s half past seven
    It`s ten to five
